
Messenger Center

Located in the freight service corridor is our Messenger Center. The Messenger Center was installed to minimize security concerns and to offer superior courier service to our tenants at low prices. The Messenger Center is managed by XPO Logistics, with two building couriers. The building couriers transport items within the building only.

Please follow the procedure listed below when shipping a package:

  1. When making arrangements with your courier, you must give the address of 12 East 58th Street. All deliveries must enter 12 East 58th Street. Shipping and delivering through the lobby are not allowed at any time.
  2. After calling your courier, please call the Messenger Center at (212) 593-9795. Your package will be picked up in a short while. The Center will retain your package until your messenger arrives.
  3. To expedite time - Remember to give the address of 12 East 58th Street - Not the Lobby entrance.
  4. The Messenger Center operates during the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Please arrange for your deliveries during these hours. Any packages that are received before or after these hours will not be accepted. The concierge, security or any other building personnel cannot receive or handle any packages. To ensure proper delivery all packages must be received and delivered by the Messenger Center personnel.

When packages arrive for your company the Messenger Center receives your packages and will deliver the items to your office in a prompt manner. If there are any problems or concerns regarding this procedure, please feel free to contact the Management Office.

If there are inquiries regarding the rates for XPO Logistics, please feel free to call (212) 593-9790.

Helpful Numbers

Federal Express (212) 777-6500
UPS (212) 695-7500

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